
Refreshes, rehydrates and regenerates,

the rest is all zero!

It’s not water or even beer, but the best of both

Why drink ActiveHop?

Discover the 10 good reasons in the free ebook


The milestone of the ActiveHop collection, born to be with you wherever you want, whenever you want.  Pure, seimple and essential, made from 3 simple ingredients: water, hops and carbon dioxide, the rest… zero!

       Zero alcohol

       Zero calories

       Zero fat

       Zero lactose

       Zero gluten

Anything else?


Take a DROP and add some lime juice and you get RAD, Always hopped water, but in radler sauce. The beneficial principles of DROP enriched with a lime boost, which we know is functional for physical activity:

  • Fortifies the ligaments
  • Makes you toned and strong
  • Makes you lose weight
  • Purifies and hydrates
  • Antibacterial

More taste, more benefits, more active than ever.


If you escape the city as soon as you can to dive into nature, you will love TRAIL. The starting point is always DROP but here embellished with blueberry juice, to make you live outdoors even when you’re not! And do you know the magic of blueberries?

  • Reduce post-workout soreness
  • Reduce post-workout soreness
  • Firms and deflates
  • Eliminate water retention
  • Reactivates the metabolism

One more reason to drink a TRAIL every time you feel the call of nature… or you’re really there!

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